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Photon Beard

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Photon Beard E924M Maxi Pro Stand (Pampa2)

Photon Beard E924M Maxi Pro Stand (Pampa2)

A medium duty air damped stand, suitable for lighting like the Photon beard Pampa-lite2 or pampas...

Price £
Photon Beard E928M Heavy Duty Pneumatic Stand (Pampa4)

Photon Beard E928M Heavy Duty Pneumatic Stand (Pampa4)

A heavy duty air damped lighting stand, suitable for use with the Photon Beard Pampalite4 lights ...

Price £
Photon Beard P2/13 800w/240v (3200k) Dxx Lamp

Photon Beard P2/13 800w/240v (3200k) Dxx Lamp

Replacement DXX 800w lamps for industry-standard Redhead tungsten lights such as those made by AR...

Price £

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