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Sony ECM-PS1 (ECMPS1) Shotgun Microphone 3.5mm Mini Jack

Sony ECM-PS1 (ECMPS1) Shotgun Microphone 3.5mm Mini Jack
  • Description

The Sony ECM-PS1 microphone is supplied with the HVR-HD1000 series camcorders and has a 3.5mm mini jack connection.

This is not supplied with a windshield

Price £

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UPDATE tblCactuShop1Sessions SET SESS_DateLastUpdated=#2024/4/19 14:45:18# WHERE SESS_ID = 1276794

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An error occurred executing the following query, and page execution has been terminated.

INSERT INTO tblCactuShop1SessionValues (SESSV_SessionID, SESSV_Name, SESSV_Value, SESSV_Expiry) VALUES (1276794,'recentproducts','1225',1440)

Error Description : Object required

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